
The Product Information (PI) documents for all selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) have been aligned to reflect the risk of sexual dysfunction persisting in some patients after drug cessation.

Sexual dysfunction is a known risk of SSRIs and SNRIs and these medicines already carry this warning. However, the caveat that this effect can persist even after patients stop treatment was not present in some of the PIs in this drug class.

Sexual dysfunction can refer to disorders of sexual drive (reduced or loss of libido), arousal and orgasm, and ejaculation. Patients may also report associated painful intercourse (dyspareunia), prolonged erection (priapism) or genital numbness. These effects can persist for weeks to years and can significantly harm patients’ quality of life.

Persistent sexual dysfunction after treatment is stopped is thought to be rare.1 However, these symptoms are likely to be underreported and their prevalence is not currently known.

See the full article on the TGA website.

Reproduced with permission from Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Medicines Safety Update 23 May 2024.



  1. Rothmore J. Antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction. Med J Aust 2020;212:329-34.